What to do with a child in Budapest on a hot summer day?
Tourists often ask what to do in the summer, apart from sightseeing, walking in the evening, or taking a boat trip. Especially with young children, it is a big problem to find something relaxed, interesting or fun to do in addition to the "touristy activities".
1. Wet playgrounds.
These are playgrounds with at least one tap, fountain or some kind of water block so that children can play with water while sanding and climbing. (Or you can bring a swimsuit for the kids.) Or at least 2-3 hours, because kids rarely want to leave these outdoor playgrounds early... The most famous wet playgrounds in Budapest are Városliget, Benczúr playground, Bikás Park.
2. Beaches in the city.
You can have a beach in the middle of the city, no need to travel all the way to Lake Balaton! Dagály and Palatinus are very popular, and children can go in (this is important because they can't go in the swimming pools!) Of course there are also aqua parks in Budapest with lots of slides.
3 Margaret Island.
Here you can find a beach (Palatinus) and a playground, but you can also walk in the trees, there is a small zoo and you can try the special bike, the "bringóhintó". It's perfect for picnics and walks, and it's only a few minutes from the city centre!
If you want to know more about Budapest or would like a private guide, please contact: budapestmylove@gmail.com
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